

History Is a Contemporary Literature: Manifesto for the Social Sciences

【作者】Ivan Jablonka (Author), Nathan J. Bracher (Translator)

【出版社】Academic Press; 1 edition (May 9, 2017)


【索书号】I04 /J11 /E

【简  介】 Ivan Jablonka’s History Is a Contemporary Literature offers highly innovative perspectives on the writing of history, the relationship between literature and the social sciences, and the way that both social-scientific inquiry and literary explorations contribute to our understanding of the world. Jablonka argues that the act and art of writing, far from being an afterthought in the social sciences, should play a vital role in the production of knowledge in all stages of the researcher’s work and embody or even constitute the understanding obtained. History (along with sociology and anthropology) can, he contends, achieve both greater rigor and wider audiences by creating a literary experience through a broad spectrum of narrative modes.

Challenging scholars to adopt investigative, testimonial, and other experimental writing techniques as a way of creating and sharing knowledge, Jablonka envisions a social science literature that will inspire readers to become actively engaged in understanding their own pasts and to relate their histories to the present day. Lamenting the specialization that has isolated the academy from the rest of society, History Is a Contemporary Literature aims to bring imagination and audacity into the practice of scholarship, drawing on the techniques of literature to strengthen the methods of the social sciences.

The Art and Science of Leadership The Tragedy of Property: Private Life, Ownership and the Russian State (New Russian Thought) 

【作者】Maxim Trudolyubov (Author) ndi

【出版社】Polity; 1 edition (September 4, 2018)


【索书号】D751.22 /T866 /E

【简  介】 Russian novels, poetry and ballet put the country squarely in the European family of cultures and yet there is something different about this country, especially in terms of its political culture. What makes Russia different?

Maxim Trudolyubov uses private property as a lens to highlight the most important features that distinguish Russia as a political culture. In many Western societies, private property has acted as the private individual’s bulwark against the state; in Russia, by contrast, it has mostly been used by the authorities as a governance tool. Nineteenth-century Russian liberals did not consider property rights to be one of the civil causes worthy of defending. Property was associated with serfdom, and even after the emancipation of the serfs the institution of property was still seen as an attribute of retrograde aristocracy and oppressive government. It was something to be destroyed – and indeed it was, in 1917.

Ironically, it was the Soviet Union that, with the arrival of mass housing in the 1960s, gave the concept of private ownership a good name. After forced collectivization and mass urbanization, people were yearning for a space of their own. The collapse of the Soviet ideology allowed property to be called property, but not all properties were equal. You could own a flat but not an oil company, which could be property on paper but not in reality. This is why most Russian entrepreneurs register their businesses in offshore jurisdictions and park their money abroad.

This fresh and highly original perspective on Russian history will be of great interest to anyone who wants to understand Russia today.

Portrait of a Woman in Silk: Hidden Histories of the British Atlantic World【作  者】Zara Anishanslin  (Author)

【出版社】Yale University Press; Reprint edition (October 24, 2017)


【索书号】D771.288 /L673 /E

【简介】 Through the story of a portrait of a woman in a silk dress, historian Zara Anishanslin embarks on a fascinating journey, exploring and refining debates about the cultural history of the eighteenth-century British Atlantic world. While most scholarship on commodities focuses either on labor and production or on consumption and use, Anishanslin unifies both, examining the worlds of four identifiable people who produced, wore, and represented this object: a London weaver, one of early modern Britain’s few women silk designers, a Philadelphia merchant’s wife, and a New England painter.

Blending macro and micro history with nuanced gender analysis, Anishanslin shows how making, buying, and using goods in the British Atlantic created an object-based community that tied its inhabitants together, while also allowing for different views of the Empire. Investigating a range of subjects including self-fashioning, identity, natural history, politics, and trade, Anishanslin makes major contributions both to the study of material culture and to our ongoing conversation about how to write history.

America, As Seen on TV: How Television Shapes Immigrant Expectations around the Globeate Finance (2nd Edition) 【作者】Clara E. Rodríguez (Author)

【出版社】NYU Press (March 20, 2018)


【索书号】G229.712 /R696 /E

【简介】As a dominant cultural export, American television is often the first exposure to American ideals and the English language for many people throughout the world. Yet, American television is flawed, and, it represents race, class, and gender in ways that many find unfair and unrealistic. What happens, then, when people who grew up on American television decide to come to the United States? What do they expect to find, and what do they actually find?

In America, As Seen on TV, Clara E. Rodríguez surveys international college students and foreign nationals working or living in the US to examine the impact of American television on their views of the US and on their expectations of life in the United States. She finds that many were surprised to learn that America is racially and economically diverse, and that it is not the easy-breezy, happy endings culture portrayed in the media, but a work culture. The author also surveys US-millennials about their consumption of US TV and finds that both groups share the sense that American TV does not accurately reflect racial/ethnic relations in the US as they have experienced them. However, the groups differ on how much they think US TV has influenced their views on sex, smoking and drinking.

America, As Seen on TV explores the surprising effects of TV on global viewers and the realities they and US millennials actually experience in the US.  

Take Your Library Workshops Online!【著者】Anne Grant (Author)

【出版社】Rl; Reprint edition (June 20, 2016)


【索书号】G258.6 /G761 /E

【简介】Library professionals teach every day in the sense that they show patrons where to find books or how to use computers. Increasingly, however, library users just don't have the time to attend facetoface workshops in advance of needs that they may have. They want to know the answer to their questions when They need it, not when You teach it. Take Your Library Workshops Online! will help you move valuable “teachable moments” from the physical library or classroom to virtual spaces.

Artists and Signatures in Ancient Greece【著  者】Jeffrey M. Hurwit (Author)

【出版社】Cambridge University Press; Reprint edition (November 9, 2017)


【索书号】J03 /H967 /E

【简介】The Greeks inscribed their works of art and craft with labels identifying mythological or historical figures, bits of poetry, and claims of ownership. But no type of inscription is more hotly debated or more intriguing than the artist's signature, which raises questions concerning the role and status of the artist and the work of art or craft itself. In this book, Jeffrey M. Hurwit surveys the phenomenon of artists' signatures across the many genres of Greek art from the eighth to the first century BCE. Although the great majority of extant works lack signatures, the Greek artist nonetheless signed his products far more than any other artist of antiquity. Examining signatures on gems, coins, mosaics, wall-paintings, metalwork, vases, and sculptures, Hurwit argues that signatures help us assess the position of the Greek artist within his society as well as his conception of his own skill and originality.

Civilized Rebels: An Inside Story of the West’s Retreat from Global Power (Global Connections)【作者】mith, Dennis (Author)

【出版社】 Routledge; 1 edition (May 14, 2018)


【索书号】K02 /S645 /E

【简介】Civilized Rebels compares in depth four very well-known literary and political figures, who all opposed arrogant regimes and became prisoners. Through comparative biographies of Oscar Wilde, Jean Améry, Nelson Mandela and Aung San Suu Kyi, it explores the long-term process of the retreat of the West from global power since the late nineteenth century, relating this to the decline and fall of the British Empire and the trauma surrounding Brexit. Drawing on rich empirical materials to examine themes of forced displacement, war, poverty, imprisonment and the threat of humiliation, the book reveals how these highly civilized rebels penetrated their opponents’ mind-sets, while also providing a sophisticated analysis of how their struggles fitted into the larger world picture. Methodologically and theoretically innovative, and written in a lively and accessible style, Civilized Rebels will appeal to scholars across a range of disciplines, with interests in globalization, historical international relations, postcolonial and subaltern studies, comparative biographical studies, European studies, the sociology of emotions and historical sociology.

A Biography of a Map in Motion: Augustine Herrman's Chesapeake【作  者】Christian J. Koot  (Author)
【出版社】NYU Press (December 26, 2017)

【索书号】K901.9 /K82 /E

【简  介】Tucked away in a near-forgotten collection, Virginia and Maryland as it is Planted and Inhabited is one of the most extraordinary maps of colonial British America. Created by a colonial merchant, planter, and diplomat named Augustine Herrman, the map pictures the Mid-Atlantic in breathtaking detail, capturing its waterways, coastlines, and communities. Herrman spent three decades travelling between Dutch New Amsterdam and the English Chesapeake before eventually settling in Maryland and making this map. Although the map has been reproduced widely, the history of how it became one of the most famous images of the Chesapeake has never been told.                                                                         

A Biography of a Map in Motion uncovers the intertwined stories of the map and its maker, offering new insights into the creation of empire in North America. The book follows the map from the waterways of the Chesapeake to the workshops of London, where it was turned into a print and sold. Transported into coffee houses, private rooms, and government offices, Virginia and Maryland became an apparatus of empire that allowed English elites to imaginatively possess and accurately manage their Atlantic colonies.  

Investigating this map offers the rare opportunity to recapture the complementary and occasionally conflicting forces that created the British Empire. From the colonial and the metropolitan to the economic and the political to the local and the Atlantic, this is a fascinating exploration of the many meanings of a map, and how what some saw as establishing a sense of local place could translate to forging an empire.

The 100-Year Life: Living and Working in an Age of Longevity 【作者】Lynda Gratton (Author), Andrew Scott  (Author)

【出版社】Bloomsbury Business; Reprint edition (September 5, 2017)


【索书号】C913.6 /G773 /E

【简介】Shortlisted for the FT/McKinsey Business Book of the Year Award, The 100-Year Life explores how living to 100 will have a profound effect on society and the economy, and result in a complete restructuring of everyone's professional and personal lives.

Drawing on the unique pairing of their experience in psychology and economics, Lynda Gratton and Andrew Scott offer an analysis to help you rethink retirement, your finances, your education, your career, and your relationships to create a fulfilling 100-year life.

Many of us have been raised on the traditional notion of a three-stage approach to our working lives: education, followed by work and then retirement. But this well-established pathway is already beginning to collapse--life expectancy is rising, final-salary pensions are vanishing, and increasing numbers of people are juggling multiple careers. Whether you are 18, 45, or 60, you will need to do things very differently from previous generations and learn to structure your life in completely new ways.

The 100-Year Life is a wake-up call that describes the choices and options that you will face in the age of longevity. It is also fundamentally a call to action for individuals, politicians, firms, and governments and offers the clearest demonstration that a 100-year life can be a wonderful and inspiring one.

How Biology Shapes Philosophy: New Foundations for Naturalism【编者】David Livingstone Smith  (Editor)

【出版社】Cambridge University Press (January 16, 2017)


【索书号】N02 /H847 /E

【简介】 How Biology Shapes Philosophy is a seminal contribution to the emerging field of biophilosophy. It brings together work by philosophers who draw on biology to address traditional and not so traditional philosophical questions and concerns. Thirteen essays by leading figures in the field explore the biological dimensions of ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, gender, semantics, rationality, representation, and consciousness, as well as the misappropriation of biology by philosophers, allowing the reader to critically interrogate the relevance of biology for philosophy. Both rigorous and accessible, the essays illuminate philosophy and help us to acquire a deeper understanding of the human condition. This volume will be of interest to philosophers, biologists, social scientists, and other readers with an interest in bringing science and the humanities together.
