Love: A History
【作 者】Simon May
【出版社】Yale University Press (July 19, 2011)
【索书号】C913.1-09 /M467 /E
【简 介】Love—unconditional, selfless, unchanging, sincere, and totally accepting—is worshipped today as the West's only universal religion. To challenge it is one of our few remaining taboos. In this pathbreaking and superbly written book, philosopher Simon May does just that, dissecting our resilient ruling ideas of love and showing how they are the product of a long and powerful cultural heritage.
Taking Wittgenstein at His Word: A Textual Study
【作 者】Robert J. Fogelin
【出版社】Princeton University Press (November 22, 2009)
【索书号】B561.59 /F655 /E
【简 介】Taking Wittgenstein at His Word is an experiment in reading organized around a central question: What kind of interpretation of Wittgenstein's later philosophy emerges if we adhere strictly to his claims that he is not in the business of presenting and defending philosophical theses and that his only aim is to expose persistent conceptual misunderstandings that lead to deep philosophical perplexities? Robert Fogelin draws out the therapeutic aspects of Wittgenstein's later work by closely examining his account of rule-following and how he applies the idea in the philosophy of mathematics.
Economists and the Powerful: Convenient Theories, Distorted Facts, Ample Rewards
【作 者】Norbert Häring
【出版社】Anthem Press (October 1, 2012)
【索书号】F0 /H281 /E
【简 介】“Economists and the Powerful: Convenient Theories, Distorted Facts, Ample Rewards” explores the workings of the modern global economy – an economy in which competition has been corrupted and power has a ubiquitous influence upon economic behavior. Based on empirical and theoretical studies by distinguished economists from both the past and present day, this book argues that the true workings of capitalism are very different from the popular myths voiced in mainstream economics. Offering a closer look at the history of economic doctrines – as well as how economists are incentivized – “Economists and the Powerful” exposes how, when and why the theme of power was erased from the radar screens of mainstream economic analysis – and the influence this subversive removal has had upon the modern financial world.
Women in the Chinese Enlightenment: Oral and Textual Histories
【作 者】Zheng Wang
【出版社】University of California Press (July 5, 1999)
【索书号】D442.9 /W246 /E
【简 介】Centering on five life stories by Chinese women activists born just after the turn of this century, this first history of Chinese May Fourth feminism disrupts the Chinese Communist Party's master narrative of Chinese women's liberation, reconfigures the history of the Chinese Enlightenment from a gender perspective, and addresses the question of how feminism engendered social change cross-culturally.
Sound and Sight: Poetry and Courtier Culture in the Yongming Era (483-493)
【作 者】Meow Goh
【出版社】Stanford University Press (August 24, 2010)
【索书号】I207.22 /G614 /E
【简 介】This is the first book to examine Chinese poetry and courtier culture using the concept of shengse—sound and sight—which connotes "sensual pleasure." Under the moral and political imperative to avoid or even eliminate representations of sense perception, premodern Chinese commentators treated overt displays of artistry with great suspicion, and their influence is still alive in modern and contemporary constructions of literary and cultural history.
Arendt and Adorno: Political and Philosophical Investigations
【主 编】Lars Rensmann
【出版社】Stanford University Press (July 4, 2012)
【索书号】D0 /A681a /E
【简 介】Hannah Arendt and Theodor W. Adorno, two of the most influential political philosophers and theorists of the twentieth century, were contemporaries with similar interests, backgrounds, and a shared experience of exile. Yet until now, no book has brought them together. In this first comparative study of their work, leading scholars discuss divergences, disclose surprising affinities, and find common ground between the two thinkers. This pioneering work recovers the relevance of Arendt and Adorno for contemporary political theory and philosophy and lays the foundation for a critical understanding of political modernity: from universalistic claims for political freedom to the abyss of genocidal politics.
Two Shining Souls: Jane Addams, Leo Tolstoy, and the Quest for Global Peace
【作 者】James Cracraft
【出版社】Lexington Books; 1 edition (June 14, 2012)
【索书号】K837.128.9 /C883 /E
【简 介】In his new book, Two Shining Souls, James Cracraft explores the decades-long encounter of Jane Addams, the famous American social reformer and peace activist, with Leo Tolstoy, the acclaimed Russian writer and sage. He documents Tolstoy’s influence in Progressive-era America and particularly on Addams’s career, citing previously unknown or neglected sources. In addition to her study of Tolstoy’s writings—his now largely forgotten religious tracts more than his celebrated fiction—Addams traveled to Russia to see him personally, a meeting that is recounted in detail. Late in her life, Addams described Tolstoy as a rare “shining soul,” a term, Cracraft suggests, that applies equally well to her. His book adds an enduring religious dimension to Addams’s rich legacy while newly delimiting, by contrast, the legacy of Tolstoy.
Law and Social Change in Postwar Japan
【作 者】Frank K. Upham
【出版社】Harvard University Press; 1St Edition edition (July 1, 1987)
【索书号】D931.39 /U67 /E
【简 介】 Frank Upham pushes forward the frontiers of knowledge of legal processes in Japan... He pierces the myth that Japan is a simple, nonlitigious consensual society. Upham shows how disaffected groups in Japan can use legal means to press their case to achieve a better settlement and how leaders can use law to influence society through conscious choice.
Thirteen Ways to Steal a Bicycle: Theft Law in the Information Age
【作 者】Stuart P. Green
【出版社】Harvard University Press (July 11, 2012)
【索书号】D914.35 /G798 /E
【简 介】In Thirteen Ways to Steal a Bicycle, Stuart Green assesses our current legal framework at a time when our economy increasingly commodifies intangibles and when the means of committing theft and fraud grow ever more sophisticated. Was it theft for the editor of a technology blog to buy a prototype iPhone he allegedly knew had been lost by an Apple engineer in a Silicon Valley bar? Was it theft for doctors to use a patient’s tissue without permission in order to harvest a valuable cell line? For an Internet activist to publish tens of thousands of State Department documents on his Web site?
In this full-scale critique, Green reveals that the last major reforms in Anglophone theft law, which took place almost fifty years ago, flattened moral distinctions, so that the same punishments are now assigned to vastly different offenses. Unreflective of community attitudes toward theft, which favor gradations in blameworthiness according to what is stolen and under what circumstances, and uninfluenced by advancements in criminal law theory, theft law cries out for another reformation—and soon.
Der Neue Pauly
【主 编】Hubert Cancik
【出版社】Verlag J.B. Metzler
【索书号】K103-61 /D427 /bd.1-16
【简 介】Der Neue Pauly is the most complete and most authoritative modern encyclopedia of the ancient world currently available. In nearly 20,000 entries it covers two thousand years of history and culture of Greco-Roman Antiquity and the reception of this in the two thousand years that followed.