The Encyclopedia of Ancient History
【编者】Roger S. Bagnall, Kai Brodersen, Craige B. Champion and Andrew Erskine
【出版社】Wiley-Blackwell; 1 edition (2012)
【索书号】K12-61 /E56 /v.1-v.13
【简介】 Unmatched in scholarship and diversity, The Encyclopedia of Ancient History is the definitive reference work for the study of the ancient world. The board of experienced and internationally diverse editors has collected over 5,000 original entries spanning the late Bronze Age through the seventh century CE. Entries extend to all Mediterranean civilizations, including the Near East and Egypt, and represent an unprecedented level of coverage of the ancient world. the entire resource will benefit students of Ancient History and related subjects at all levels.
Collection des universités de France Série grecque
【主编】 Jacques Jouanna
【出版社】Les Belles Lettres
【简介】 Published under the auspices of the Guillaume Budé Association (whose mission is to preserve and promote classical culture in particular, and intellectual culture in general), the "Universités de France" Collection, referred to as the "Budé Collection," will consist of all known Greek and Latin works up to the middle of the sixth century of our era, constantly updated and presented with their most recent French translations, introductions, biographical sketches, notes and a critical apparatus.
These texts are edited on the basis of those manuscripts deemed to have been the most influential, which is why they constitute authentic critical editions. Each text features a brief critical apparatus, devoid of any irrelevant material, which substantiates its selection. This information enables the reader to assess not only the value of the text that he or she is reading, but also that of the alternative versions excluded by the publisher.
Collection des universités de France Série latine
【主编】 Jean-Louis Ferrary
【出版社】Les Belles Lettres
【简介】见Collection des universités de France Série grecque
Oxford History of Literary Translation in English
【作者】 Roger Ellis (vol.1), Gordon Braden, Robert Cummings and Stuart Gillespie (vol.2), Stuart Gillespie and David Hopkins (vol.3), Peter France and Kenneth Haynes (vol.4)
【出版社】Oxford University Press, USA (2005-2011)
【索书号】I109 /O98 /v.1-4
【简介】 This groundbreaking five-volume history runs from the Middle Ages to the year 2000. It is a critical history, treating translations wherever appropriate as literary works in their own right, and reveals the vital part played by translators and translation in shaping the literary culture of the English-speaking world, both for writers and readers. It thus offers new and often challenging perspectives on the history of literature in English. As well as examining the translations and their wider impact, it explores the processes by which they came into being and were disseminated, and provides extensive bibliographical and biographical reference material.
Hegel’s Rabble: An Investigation into Hegel's Philosophy of Right
【作者】 Frank Ruda
【出版社】Continuum; 1 edition (2011)
【索书号】B516.35 /R913
【简介】In Hegel's Rabble, Frank Ruda identifies and explores a crucial problem in the Hegelian philosophy of right that strikes at the heart of Hegel's conception of the state. This singular problem, which Ruda argues is the problem of Hegelian political thought, appears in Hegel's text only in a seemingly marginal form under the name of the "rabble": a particular side-effect of the dialectical deduction of the necessity of the existence of state from the contradictory constitution of civil society.
Working out from a thorough analysis of this problem and drawing on contemporary discussions in the work of such thinkers as Alain Badiou, Jean-Luc Nancy and Slavoj Zizek, the book proceeds to re-examine and reconstruct Hegel's entire political project. Ruda goes on to argue that only by re-thinking this problem of the rabble' in Hegel's thought the only problem Hegel is able neither to resolve nor to sublate can the early Marxian conception of the proletariat' be properly understood. The book closes with an Afterword from Slavoj Zizek.
Text and Ritual in Early China
【编者】 Martin Kern
【出版社】University of Washington Press (2011)
【索书号】K892.9 /T355
【简介】 In Text and Ritual in Early China, leading scholars of ancient Chinese history, literature, religion, and archaeology consider the presence and use of texts in religious and political ritual. Through balanced attention to both the received literary tradition and the wide range of recently excavated artifacts, manuscripts, and inscriptions, their combined efforts reveal the rich and multilayered interplay of textual composition and ritual performance. Drawn across disciplinary boundaries, the resulting picture illuminates two of the defining features of early Chinese culture and advances new insights into their sumptuous complexity.
Understanding Social Networks: Theories, Concepts, and Findings
【作者】 Charles Kadushin
【出版社】Oxford University Press, USA (2012)
【索书号】C912 /K11u
【简介】Despite the swift spread of social network concepts and their applications and the rising use of network analysis in social science, there is no book that provides a thorough general introduction for the serious reader. Understanding Social Networks fills that gap by explaining the big ideas that underlie the social network phenomenon. Written for those interested in this fast moving area but who are not mathematically inclined, it covers fundamental concepts, then discusses networks and their core themes in increasing order of complexity. Kadushin demystifies the concepts, theories, and findings developed by network experts. He selects material that serves as basic building blocks and examples of best practices that will allow the reader to understand and evaluate new developments as they emerge. Understanding Social Networks will be useful to social scientists who encounter social network research in their reading, students new to the network field, as well as managers, marketers, and others who constantly encounter social networks in their work.
Kant and Education: Interpretations and Commentary
【编者】 Klas Roth
【出版社】Routledge (2011)
【索书号】B516.31 /K16k18
【简介】Immanuel Kant’s moral philosophy, political philosophy, and philosophy of judgement have been and continue to be widely discussed among many scholars. Given the historical and philosophical significance of Kant’s moral, political, and aesthetic theory, and the connection he draws between these theories and the appropriate function and methodology of education, it is surprising that relatively little has been written on Kant’s contribution to education theory.
Recently, however, internationally recognized Kant scholars such as Paul Guyer, Manfred Kuehn, Richard Velkley, Robert Louden, Susan Shell, and others have begun to turn their attention to Kant’s writings on education and the role of education in cultivating moral character. Kant and Education: Interpretations and Commentary has gathered these scholars together with the aim of filling this perceived void in Kant scholarship. All of the essays contained within this volume will examine either Kant’s ideas on education through an historical analysis of his texts; or the importance and relevance of his moral philosophy, political philosophy, and/or aesthetics in contemporary education theory.
The Text of the New Testament
【作者】 Bruce M. Metzger
【出版社】Oxford University Press, USA; 4 edition (2005)
【索书号】B971.2 /M596t1(4)
【简介】This thoroughly revised edition of Bruce M. Metzger's classic work is the most up-to-date manual available for the textual criticism of the New Testament. The Text of the New Testament, Fourth Edition, has been invigorated by the addition of Bart D. Ehrman--author of numerous best-selling books on the New Testament--as a coauthor. This revision brings the discussion of such important matters as the early Greek manuscripts and methods of textual criticism up to date, integrating recent research findings and approaches into the body of the text (as opposed to previous revisions, which compiled new material and notes into appendices). The authors also examine new areas of interest, including the use of computers in the collection and evaluation of manuscript evidence and the effects that social and ideological influences had upon the work of scribes. The standard text for courses in biblical studies and the history of Christianity since its first publication in 1964, The Text of the New Testament is poised to become a definitive resource for a whole new generation of students.
Handbook on the Politics of Regulation
【作者】 David Levi-Faur
【出版社】Edward Elgar Pub (2012)
【索书号】F110 /H236
【简介】This unique Handbook offers the most up-to-date and comprehensive, state-of-the-art reviews of the politics of regulation. It presents and discusses the core theories and concepts of regulation in response to the rise of the regulatory state and regulatory capitalism, and in the context of the 'golden age of regulation'. Its eleven sections include forty-eight chapters covering issues as diverse and varied as: theories of regulation; historical perspectives on regulation; regulation of old and new media; risk regulation, enforcement and compliance; better regulation; civil regulation; European regulatory governance; and global regulation. As a whole, it provides an essential point of reference for all those working on the political, social, and economic aspects of regulation.
This comprehensive resource will be of immense value to scholars and policy makers in numerous fields and disciplines including political science, public policy and administration, international relations, regulation, international law, business and politics, European studies, regional studies, and development studies.