Lee Shau Kee Library

time updated:2023-09-04  Amount of access:102


Opening Hours

Resources and Services

Service Center
(First floor lobby)
Referring Service: 
Mondays to Sundays: 08:00-22:00 
Borrowing and Returning Service: 
Mondays to Fridays :
   Sundays 09:00-16:00
Provide full-service, such as library card application, borrowing and returning books, reference services, etc. Tel: 51630047
A&H Lending Section 1 
(Room B 103 )

Mondays to Sundays: 08:00-22:00 

Hold a collection of Chinese and foreign language books on politics and law. Provide reading, borrowing, and retrieval service. Reference books are not for circulation. 

Special Reading Room 
(Room B 104 )

Mondays to Fridays
Sundays 9:00-16:00

Hold subject books such as materials on international law donated by the United Nations, complete works of Japanese legislation. Users can take books in Service Center, and read inside library. 

No.1 Intensive Book Bank
(Room B 101 )
Mondays to Fridays
Sundays 9:00-16:00

Closed stacks. Borrowing service is available. Users can request materials online, or directly borrow books in the Service Center.

E-studying Area 
(Room B105)
Mondays to Sundays 8:00-22:00
20 PCs are available for accessing the internet. Besides, there're network jacks for reader's notebooks to access the internet. Provide computer books borrowing. Tel: 51630046
A&H Lending Section 2 
(Room B201 )

Mondays to Sundays 8:00-22:00

Hold a collection of Chinese and foreign language books on humanities & social science (except politics and law). Provide retrieval, reading, borrowing services.

Science Lending Section
(Room B204 )

Mondays to Sundays 8:00-22:00

Hold a collection of Chinese and foreign language books on science. Provide retrieval, reading, borrowing services.

Periodicals and Newspaper Reading Room
(Room B204)
Mondays to Fridays 
Sundays 8:00-22:00 
Hold a collection of periodicals and newspapers of the year. Not for circulation. Provide retrieval and scan services.
Past Periodicals (Room B202)Mondays to Sundays 8:00-22:00 Hold a collection of Chinese and foreign language past periodicals. Users can request periodicals in Periodicals and Newspaper Reading Room, and read inside library only. Tel: 51630048
Periodicals Intensive Stack
(Room B101)
Mondays to Fridays
Sundays 9:00-16:00
Hold a collection of Chinese and foreign language past periodicals. Users can request periodicals in Service Center, and read inside library only. Tel: 51630047
Training Room (Room B 102)
Mondays to Fridays 
Provide trainings and lectures organized by the library. Readers can also reserve the room for teaching activities. Tel: 51630179
Collaborative Learning Room(Room B206、B207)
Mondays to Sundays 8:00-22:00 A place for personal and group study and seminars can be reserved by readers in advance. Tel: 51630179
( middle area of each floor )
Mondays to Sundays 8:00-22:00 A place for study, rest and chatting. Tel: 51630179
Law School Information Center (Room B 203)
Mondays to Fridays 
Saturday and Sundays 8:00-17:00
Hold a collection of Chinese and foreign language books on law. Managed by Law School. All the materials are for reading inside room only. Tel: 51630044

