Finding printed textbooks and course reserves

Release time:2012-07-18Times of browsing:147

 Main Catalog
With Main Catalog, readers can search Chinese and foreign language textbooks and course reserves including Harvard and MIT teaching materials, which are located in the libraries and materials rooms of schools and departments.

 Foreign Textbook Center
Opening Hours Monday-Sunday 8:00-22:00

Faculty and staff of Fudan university can borrow and hold the books for two weeks for teaching and research, with a proof provided by their departments. Other readers can only read at the center.

Catalog and brief introduction of Harvard and MIT textbooks
The system includes the original textbooks of Harvard and MIT, which have been introduced by Fudan university library since 2002. Now, there're over 10,462 original textbooks from Harvard and 276 original textbooks from MIT, which are located at the Foreign Teaching Materials Center of the Science Library.

Opening Hours Monday-Sunday 8:00-22:00

Faculty and staff of Fudan University can borrow and hold the books for two weeks for teaching and researches, with a proof provided by their departments. Other readers can only read at the center.