

记录维护者 Agent

在EAC-CPF Schema和标签字典的框架内,记录维护者是指管理条目的机构或在机构中维护数据的个人。例如,agent元素是maintenanceEvent中的一个子元素。 

CPF实体 CPF entity


分组 Grouping


身份 Identity


文献 Resource


包装器 Wrapper




Agent: Within the framework of the EAC-CPF schema and Tag Library, agent refers to a repository where records are managed or to individuals performing maintenance activities in the repositories. For example, agent is an element of the EAC-CPF schema within maintenanceEvent.

CPF entity: A shortcut within the framework of this Tag Library to generically designate the type of entities that are the object of a description in an EAC-CPF instance. In other words, it stands for “the corporate body, person or family being described in an EAC-CPF instance.”

Grouping: In the EAC-CPF Tag Library, the term “grouping” is used as a specialized type of wrapper for those pluralized description elements, e.g., legalStatuses, functions, etc.

Identity: Though most commonly individuals are known by their real name (the name they were given at birth), it happens that, in the course of their life, they might acquire names other than their real name. In cases where an individual has separate lines of activity, each under a different name, it might be of interest to distinguish between these names and consider them as distinct identities. From the information management standpoint, according to the policy of the repository, each of these distinct identities, though belonging to the same physical person, might either be described separately in distinct EAC-CPF instances (see EAC-CPF concepts, case of MULTIPLE IDENTITY – ONE IN MANY) or might co-exist in one EAC-CPF instance (see EAC-CPF concepts, case MULTIPLE IDENTITY – MANY IN ONE). Another case is that of a collaborative identity where several individuals chose to make themselves publicly known under a personal name (see EAC-CPF concepts, case COLLABORATIVE IDENTITY), justifying their being described in one single EAC-CPF instance.

Resource: Materials, other than CPF entities and functions’ descriptions, to which CPF instances are related.

Wrapper: In the EAC-CPF Tag Library, the term “wrapper” is used as a descriptive function for elements that can contain other elements only, e.g., legalStatus, function, and cpfDescription, etc.

The section “Availability” informs about the conditions of the occurrence of an element within its parent element.
