

EAD 4.0 Call for Comments

The Technical Subcommittee on Encoded Archival Standards (TS-EAS) is pleased to release Encoded Archival Description (EAD) 4.0, a draft updated version of the standard for public review and comment. To ensure the greatest possible input from EAD users around the world, the subcommittee is calling for comments on the proposed changes to the current version, EAD3 (deprecated), schema and tag library, and the previous version, EAD 2002, DTDschema and tag library. The deadline for comments on the change proposals is Sunday, 28 July 2024. An introductory webinar on how to contribute to this call for comments is scheduled for 24 April (twice with the same content to accommodate different time zones around the world) at 10am UTC (open for registration) and 4pm UTC (open for  registration). We are looking forward to seeing you there!

档案编码标准技术委员会TS-EAS)荣幸地发布了《档案编码描述格式标准》(EAD4.0版草案,以供公众审阅和评论。为确保全球EAD用户能提出尽可能多的意见,分委会现呼吁对现行版本EAD3(已弃用)的schema元素字典以及早期版本EAD 2002DTDschema元素字典所提出的更改建议进行评议。关于更改建议的评论截止日期为2024728日(星期日)。为了指导大家如何参与此次评议,我们将于国际标准时间2024424日上午10点(北京时间18时,开放报名)和下午4点(北京时间次日凌晨0时,开放报名)各举办一场网络研讨会。我们期待与您共同探讨,共同进步!


The process for this major revision for EAD started in 2021, following the December 2020 approval by the Society of American Archivist (SAA) Standards Committee. Work on the revision draft was completed through monthly virtual meetings of the EAD Team of TS-EAS, two two-day hybrid meetings in August 2022 in Boston and in September 2022 in The Hague, thanks to the Harvard Business School and the Nationaal Archief hosting parts of the EAD Team in-person, a two-day hybrid meeting during the SAA Annual Meeting pre-conference in July 2023 in Washington, DC, and various engagement activities with the international community of EAD users between 2021 and early 2024. 


As with the previous revision of its sibling standard, the Encoded Archival Context - Corporate bodies, Persons, and Families (EAC-CPF), the EAD revision has used the design principles (https://github.com/SAA-SDT/TS-EAS-subteam-notes/wiki/Design-Principles/) which TS-EAS introduced in 2021 as a general framework. The proposed changes are based partially on community feedback and partially on bringing EAD up to speed with current developments in the world of archival description as well as the wider context of publishing cultural heritage collections online. In terms of such conceptual aspects, the EAD revision focuses on the following major areas:

本次EAD修订工作,与先前其姊妹标准《档案脉络编码-组织,人物, 及家族》(EAC-CPF)的修订一样,采用了TS-EAS2021年提出的设计原则(https://github.com/SAA-SDT/TS-EAS-subteam-notes/wiki/Design-Principles/)作为总体框架。本次修订建议的变动部分基于社区反馈,部分则是为了让EAD与时俱进,与当前档案描述领域以及更广泛的在线发布文化遗产收藏品领域的发展保持同步。在概念层面,EAD修订工作主要聚焦于以下重要领域:

· Evaluating EAD’s relation to other standards often used in connection with EAD; this includes but is not restricted to

Aligning with EAC-CPF where useful, and 

Considering the impact of Records in Contexts (RiC) replacing the existing ICA standards such as the General International Standard Archival Description (ISAD(G));

· 评估EAD与其他常用标准的关联,这包括但不限于:


考虑Records in ContextsRiC)对现有ICA标准如《国际档案描述一般标准》(ISAD(G))的替代影响;

· Enabling more support for the use of Linked Open (Usable) Data with EAD; this picks up on relevant approaches introduced by EAC-CPF 2.0 and includes

Reviewing EAD’s approach to encoding relation(ship)s to other entities;

· 加强对EAD中链接开放(可用)数据的支持,以充分利用EAC-CPF 2.0提出的相关方法,并审视EAD在编码与其他实体之间关系时所采用的方法;

· Simplifying where possible, e.g. by 

Revising the terminology used in the names of elements and attributes, and

Aligning the encoding options of elements that include information about the same “things” such as agents or functions;

· 在条件允许的情况下进行简化:

§ 通过修订元素和属性名称中使用的术语;

§ 统一包含相同事物”信息(如代理或功能)的元素的编码选项;

· Concentrating on encoding the descriptive archival information rather than encoding how this information is to be displayed.

· 在处理档案信息的编目工作时,应重点聚焦于描述性信息的准确描述,而非关注信息展示方式。

Currently available files and documentation


· Benefits of EAD 4.0 Infograph

· 关于EAD 4.0信息图的益处阐述

· Editorial on suggested changes in EAD 4.0

· EAD 4.0》中的修改建议

· Draft EAD Schema 4.0 (xsd, rng, nvdl)

· EAD 4.0 Schema草案

· Detailed changes from EAD3 to the current draft of EAD 4.0

· EAD3和目前版本EAD4.0的差异细节

Transformation routes


Comparison between the technical schemas


· Draft example files in EAD 4.0

· EAD4.0草案示例文件

Adapted from previous versions of EAD


Focusing on new and changes elements and attributes


All of these can also be found on the TS-EAS GitHub page, where we will continuously add more documentation throughout the call for comments phase.


Current timetable


· Mid-April 2024: Call for comments opens

· 2024年四月中旬:开放意见征集

· End of April to early July 2024: Four drop-in sessions on the draft of EAD 4.0

· 2024月底至月初:关于 EAD 4.0 草案的四次开放会议

Register now for the first of these sessions giving you an introduction in how you can contribute to the call for comments


We will hold this session twice (with the same content) to accommodate different time zones around the world


§ 24 April, 10am UTC: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcvcO6tpzgjEtCqrv9QwOF52cC7X36x3_bu#/registration

§ 24 April, 4pm UTC: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZItce6spjovH9TrDiOPcC2n5_J8oeIUOKoO#/registration 

· 28 July 2024: Deadline for comments

· 2024年七月28日:意见征集截止

· Throughout April to July 2024: EAD Team to start discussing comments and change requests

· 2024年四月至月:EAD小组开始讨论意见和修改要求

· July to September 2024: EAD Team to finalize revision of feedback and prepare a new draft version of EAD 4.0

· 2024年七月至九月:EAD 小组完成就反馈意见的修订,并编写新的EAD 4.0草案版本

· Q4 2024: Second call for comments on revised version

· 2024年第四季度:修订版第二次意见征集

To give comments on the proposed changes, please contribute directly in GitHub https://github.com/SAA-SDT/eas-schemas/issues or via the TS-EAS webform (https://www2.archivists.org/standards/TS-EAS-report-an-issue). For more information on how to do this, see the “How to Submit a Bug Report or Feature Request for EAD and EAC-CPF tutorial” (https://github.com/SAA-SDT/TS-EAS-subteam-notes/wiki/Submitting-

Alternatively, you can also send an email to ts-eas@archivists.org with a brief description and the rationale for the proposed change.




To ensure that the revision process is as open as possible, all comments must be attributable to named individuals and affiliated organizations where appropriate. Anonymous responses will not be considered. All change proposals will be made publicly available via GitHub. E-mail addresses are requested so that we may contact respondents for clarification. We will only use your e-mail addresses in the specific context of the EAD revision and the feedback you have provided. 



Kerstin Arnold (Archives Portal Europe Foundation, NL), EAD Team lead of TS-EAS,
Karin Bredenberg (Kommunalförbundet Sydarkivera, SE) &
Mary Samouelian (Harvard Business School, US), TS-EAS Co-chairs

TS-EAS EAD团队负责人:Kerstin Arnold(欧洲档案门户基金会,荷兰)

TS-EAS联合主席:Karin Bredenberg(瑞典南部档案协会联合会)Mary Samouelian(哈佛大学商学院,美国)