“新时代国外优秀本科数学教材评价研究”课题 (第5.10章)



1 研究背景和研究意义

2 研究内容

3 研究思路和研究方法

4 数据搜集和清洗整理

5 60 本教材点评

5.1 微积分 4  

5.2 线性代数 4

5.3 概率论 6

5.4 常微分方程 6

5.5 实分析 4

5.6 复变函数和复分析 2

5.7 抽象代数 7

5.8 微分几何和黎曼几何 5

5.9 偏微分方程 6

5.10 拓扑学 5

5.11 数论 5

5.12 泛函分析 6

6 附录

6.1 国外数学本科教育 TOP10 大学分析报告

6.2 102 本经典教材国内收藏和保障情况分析报告

5.10 拓扑学 5 本

Topology and Groupoids










Why groupoids? Well, first one should ask, what are groupoids? After all, these things are not found in the standard graduate school curriculum and are not part of most research mathematicians’ tool kits. (If Ronald Brown, the author of the book under review, has it right, however, this may very well change in the not too distant future; in fact we’re long overdue for it.)

Well, what are they? First of all, they exhibit a fundamentally geometric or perhaps even categorical aspect in that the attendant binary operation (as befits anything “groupie,” so to speak) requires for the product AB to defined that the initial point of the arrow representing A coincide with the terminal point of the arrow representing B. Says Brown on p.xx of his book: “This corresponds to the composition of journeys.” And he goes on: “Conversely, the analysis of a journey through various places requires precisely this notion of partial composition.” And then: “The theory of groupoids has added to group theory a spatial component, coming from the geography of the places we visit in a journey. For this reason, groupoids can model more of the geometry than groups alone.”

Surely, this is a marvelous and potentially hugely useful thing, and even the preliminary description given above suggests that groupoids should occur quite naturally in the formulations of certain concepts in, e.g., algebraic geometry, category theory, and — most emphatically — algebraic topology. Certainly, the image of gluing arrows brings to mind some of Grothendieck’s slang concerning composing morphisms, even rising to the level of the “graphical” characterization of the derived category of a given abelian category (see, e.g., Gelfand-Manin, Homological Algebra). It is indeed telling, in this context, that Brown closes the aforementioned Preface with the following passage: “I also thank Alexander Grothendieck for an exuberant correspondence in the years 1982–1991: he described this as ‘a baton rompu,’ which roughly means ‘ranging over this and that,’ and indeed it dealt with many matters of mathematics and life.”

Furthermore, at the end of the book, in the final chapter entitled “Conclusion,” Brown returns to Grothendieck in connection with the pedagogical matter of how to elaborate new concepts in the context of mathematical progress, quoting the latter as referring (loc. cit.) to the “difficulty of bringing new concepts out of the dark.” Brown then goes on to mention Grothendieck’s famous metaphor of the rising sea for a means whereby to solve a mathematical problem: “…not like cracking a nut with a hammer, but more like gradually softening the shell with water till it can be peeled away…” (I believe that in Récoltes et Sémailles Grothendieck elaborates the corresponding metaphor of the rising sea eventually to submerge the island representing a given mathematical difficulty, flooding it, as it were, with enough structural machinery to make it appear as a triviality.)

Thus, the style of this book is perhaps somewhat against the grain, in ways Grothendieck would approve of. I think this is fitting in light of the fact that Brown is truly concerned with proselytizing what he believes to be an important new wave in mathematics.

But it turns out that this new wave has been building for quite a while, and it has already begun to sweep a number of scholars along with it in its orbit. Outside of (algebraic) topology, Alain Connes has seen fit to include it in his program of non-commutative geometry (Brown, p. 411), and K. MacKenzie published a book in 2005 titled, Lie Groupoids and Lie Algebroids in Differential Geometry, which reminds me that I in fact heard the word “algebroid” for the first time over twenty years ago, in graduate school, spoken by my algebraist office-mate.

This all fits, then, with the fact that groupoids’ first ripples go back to (at least?) the 1960’s, and this takes us to Ronald Brown’s own early work in this area, in the setting of algebraic topology, work which presently blossomed into a ramified scholarship theme stretching over the next four decades. Topology and Groupoids is in point of fact the third phase of an ongoing project, in that its first edition was published by McGraw-Hill already in 1968 as Elements of Modern Topology and its second edition appeared in 1988 as Topology: A Geometric Account of General Topology, Homotopy Types, and the Fundamental Groupoid, published by Ellis Horwood, Ltd. Even as the present third edition is an updated expansion of the second, the former title is particularly descriptive of what Brown has in mind in this project. The focus really falls on the fundamental groupoid “as a necessary and convenient generalization of … the fundamental group.” (p. xii) Additionally, and connected to the preceding, Brown observes that “[t]he exposition given here lends credence to the view that groupoids form a natural context for discussing … the relation between local and global phenomena.” (loc. cit.) Indeed, “[i]t thus seems that the notion of groupoid gives a more flexible and powerful approach to the notion of symmetry.” In this connection, see also the article by Alan Weinstein (at Berkeley), “Groupoids: Unifying Internal and External Symmetry,” arXiv. Math. RT/9602220 (23 January, 1996).

Certainly, therefore, what Brown is doing in Topology and Groupoids is at worst worthwhile and more than likely very important . It is appropriate that Brown assumes a particular pedagogical posture in bringing his message out: even as this book is full of material that would be novel to most of us, even topologists, at least as far as methodology is concerned, the intended audience is far broader than specialists and seasoned researchers. Brown seeks to bring this new way of doing things to beginners in the field, too, and this manifestly accounts for the breadth of his coverage of algebraic and geometric topology in the book’s 500+ pages.

Specifically, Brown’s first five chapters are true topological background material, stretching as they do from the topology of the real line to a discussion of projective (“and other”) spaces. It is only in the sixth chapter (p. 201 ff.) that we get to the all-important fundamental groupoid, but thereafter things get off the ground very swiftly: homotopy theory, cofibrations, computing fundamental groupoids (Van Kampen, the Jordan Curve Theorem revisited), covering spaces, orbit spaces, and, indeed, orbit groupoids. A broad palette.

I do believe in the general efficacy of the general categorical approach in mathematics (even if Grothendieck himself was occasionally heard to use the phrase “abstract nonsense”), and I find Brown’s philosophy both attractive and convincing. To wit (p. xx): “In mathematics, and in many areas, analogies are not between objects themselves, but between the relations between these objects. We will define many constructions by their relations to all other objects of the same type — this is called a ‘universal property’ … All this is the essence of the ‘categorical approach,’… a major unifying force in the mathematics of the twentieth century.”

Two final observations. The back cover of Topology and Groupoids displays a Venn diagram suggesting that, to borrow another word from Grothendieck, the yoga of groupoids should be amenable eventually to include, or engulf, such objects as groups, group actions, bundles of groups (!), and even sets and equivalence relations. This in itself is a very exciting prospect, alone worth the price of admission.

And this brings me to the second point: Topology and Groupoids is published by Ronald Brown himself via BookSurge. (See Brown's web site for the book at http://www.bangor.ac.uk/r.brown/topgpds.html ; there is also an e-book version.) So buying the book would be a direct contribution to his cause. I think it is an eminently proper cause, entirely worthy of support. The book is well written, indeed it is really a monograph composed by an insider and an expert; it is very serious mathematics presented in a sound pedagogical style: it is a very readable book equipped with fine examples and many exercises; and its impact should be felt beyond the confines of topology, even as topologists should be attracted to this material most strongly.

Topology and Groupoids is an impressive work which should be given a wide circulation.



提出这个概念是一件了不起的事情,并且可能会非常的有用,甚至以上给出的初步说明也表明,类群应该在某些概念的公式中自然而然地出现。例如,代数几何,范畴论以及代数拓扑中,有诸多这样的现象。当然,胶合箭头的图像使我想到了格洛腾迪克的一些关于构词的想法,甚至上升阿贝尔学说中的“图形”表征水平(参见Gelfand-Manin,《同源代数》)。布朗在书中的序言部分也对此表示致敬:“我还要感谢亚历山大·格洛腾迪克(Alexander Grothendieck)在1982年至1991年间的论著:他形容广群的几何概念是一条‘指挥棒’,意味着‘涉及到从这个到那个点的运动’,这的确出现在数学和生活的诸多方面。”但是这本书的风格却与格洛腾迪克所认可的方式背道而驰,我认为这很符合作者本人的风格,因为布朗总是把他认为的数学新潮流宗教化。事实证明,这股新潮已经兴盛了一段时间,并且已经开始席卷众多学者。比如 MacKenzie在2005年出版了一本书,题为《微分几何中的李群和李代数》,就是对这股新潮的一个呼应。这使我想起二十多年前,我在读研究生第一次听到“李代数”一词的场景。

有关广群的工作至少可以追溯到上世纪60年代,布朗在该领域的早期工作,即代数拓扑的设置,该工作现已蓬勃发展。拓扑和广群仍然是正在进行中的研究项目,其第一版已经由McGraw-Hill于1968年出版,当时名叫《现代拓扑的元素》,第二版于1988年作为《拓扑:一般的几何学》出版。第三版则是由BookSurge发行的《拓扑学和广群》,即本书。布朗指出:“这里给出的论述有力地证明了广群构成了局部现象与全局现象之间关系的自然环境。”“广群的概念似乎为对称性概念提供了一种更加灵活和强大的方法。”关于这一点,另请参阅arXiv上的Alan Weinstein的文章“广群:统一内部和外部对称性”。





点评人:Michael Berg(美国洛约拉马利蒙特大学数学系教授)




Homology Theory: An Introduction to Algebraic Topology







作者简介: Jim·Vick(美国数学家,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校数学系教授,于2013年退休。Vick教授在弗里吉亚大学获得博士学位,从事教学研究工作长达42年,曾任德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校副教务长、退管会主任,其主要研究领域为代数拓扑。)



I've studied and refreshed my understanding of algebraic topology from lots of books over the years, and I always come back to this one. It's the best of the lot by far, for me -- easy to read, beautifully geometrically motivated, and displaying as light a touch as possible with algebraic and categorical details (which are introduced in digestible pieces as the need for them arises). I'd say that anyone with a good facility for basic group theory, even with a quite minimal background in point-set topology, can come to understand homology theory quite easily by following this book.

I love the fact that Vick takes the reader straight into the thick of things, quickly getting to computations of homology groups of spheres and deducing a slew of nice geometric theorems from them (invariance of dimension, invariance of domain, Brouwer's fixed point theorem, the hairy ball theorem, the Jordan separation theorem, etc.) -- and that he doesn't waste any time with the tedium of simplicial complexes, the simplicial approximation theorem, and all that. It has always seemed perverse to me that beginning books tend to start with the simplicial theory; true, it's conceptually very basic, but its technical details are very easy to get bogged down in. Vick begins with singular homology, which is far easier to set up on a technical level than its simplicial cousin. After a number of very worthwhile deductions from the singular theory, he introduces CW complexes and shows that their homology is the same as that obtained from the singular theory. His treatments of products and Poincare duality are also outstanding.

The best thing about this book is that it's genuinely accessible to the beginning graduate student. You don't need to have had a course in category theory to read and understand this book. (In fact, seeing some things in a concrete setting here, like direct limits, will undoubtedly help people understand their more abstract categorical versions later on in graduate school). I will make one criticism of this book's way into homology theory, and that is that Vick neglects to prove Hurewicz's result that the first homology group of a path-connected space is the abelianization of the fundamental group. Although this result is nowhere needed in the book, to me it's really essential for understanding the geometric content of the integer coefficient of a given singular n-simplex within a given n-chain, at least in the easily visualized case n = 1. (It also helps in solving one of the exercises in this book, where one has to construct a map from the n-sphere to itself with any given integer as its degree; once you understand the Hurewicz result, it's easy to find such a map on the circle in the complex plane, and then repeatedly iterate the suspension operator to increase the dimension of the sphere.)

Apart from this detail, I love everything about this book. There are some typos, but that's true in most books, and they didn't bother me that much. I recommend this book to any novice student of algebraic topology, and especially to any who feel that their background in abstract algebraic machinery (category theory, homological algebra) is somewhat lacking. You'll learn it well from this book. Enjoy it.







点评人:Joseph Bak(纽约市立大学数学系助理教授)





作者:James R. Munkres

出版商:Prentice Hall





作者简介: James R. Munkres麻省理工学院数学系荣休教授,拓扑学专家,编写过诸多经典专著和数学教材。其于密歇根大学获数学博士学位,早年任教于普林斯顿大学,完善了匈牙利算法,并此后该算法被称为Kuhn–Munkres算法



This venerable book has been around, in one form or another, for almost 40 years now. This is not a coincidence or an accident: Topology is an exceptional book, and, though I have some doubts as to its current suitability as an undergraduate text at an average institution, it certainly is a book that should be owned by anybody who teaches such a course or who has an interest in the material. It is a genuine classic.

The book was originally published in 1975 under the title Topology: A First Course, and was described in the preface as a text for topology at the senior or first-year graduate level. Of course, one had to bear in mind that the author taught at MIT, so what was suitable for undergraduates there might not be suitable for undergraduates at other places. The book covered point-set topology quite thoroughly, and also contained a brief introduction to algebraic topology in the form of the fundamental group. I have considerable fondness for this first edition, since, at just about that time, I was taking a graduate course in algebraic topology with a teacher who, shall we say, gave whole new meaning to the word “incomprehensible”; I purchased the book and thought it was the clearest introduction to the fundamental group that I could find in print.

Twenty-five years later, in 2000, the second (and current) edition appeared, this time titled simply Topology. This is a substantial revision, with a greatly expanded introduction to algebraic topology at the level of fundamental groups, covering spaces and surfaces; the deletion of the phrase “First Course” from the title undoubtedly reflects the fact that the book now contains enough material for both a first and second course. This division is explicitly reflected in the text, which is divided into two parts, “General Topology” and “Algebraic Topology”, containing eight and six chapters, respectively.

Part I on general topology opens with a chapter on set theory and logic that is much more detailed and comprehensive than one typically finds in books at this level. It is more than 70 pages long, and goes into some depth on things like the Axiom of Choice, Maximum Principle and well-ordering (the order topology is used throughout the book, later). The next chapter begins the subject of topology with the definition of a topological space. From a strictly pedagogical point of view I think there is some value in first discussing metric spaces in detail, thus motivating the next level of abstraction to topological spaces, but Munkres defers metric spaces until later in the chapter, where they appear as examples of topological spaces. This different point of view may reflect a fact that I alluded to in the first paragraph above, and which I’ll discuss in more detail below: what was suitable for undergraduates 40 years ago may not be suitable today.

The remaining chapters in part I of the text cover most of the standard topics in point-set topology (compactness, connectedness, separation axioms, normal spaces, Tychonoff’s theorem, Baire category), as well as a number of topics that might not be covered in an introductory course (e.g., Nagata-Smirnov metrization theorem, paracompactness, compact-open topology, dimension theory). Several additional topics (e.g., topological groups and nets) that are not covered in the main body of the text are developed through a sequence of supplementary exercises.

Part II of the book is a beautiful introduction to algebraic topology. Topics covered here are the fundamental group, covering spaces, and the classification of surfaces (including a brief look at the first homology group, defined as the abelianization of the fundamental group rather than the usual way). Along the way we encounter, for example, a proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra using the fact that the fundamental group of a circle is infinite cyclic, and also the Borsuk-Ulam theorem. There are also chapters on the Seifert-van Kampen theorem, the Jordan curve theorem and other separation theorems in the plane, and a theorem in group theory (that every subgroup of a free group is free) that can be strikingly proved via algebraic topology.

This part of the text is comparable, in both content and level of difficulty, to Massey’s excellent Algebraic Topology: An Introduction, though of course Munkres also has the advantage of also containing a lot of general topology material in part I, thereby making this book more suitable for instructors offering a two-semester course combining both areas. Massey’s book is clearly intended for a graduate-student audience (it appears in Springer’s Graduate Texts in Mathematics series) and so, I think, is Part II of Munkres; this is material that is just not covered very much at the undergraduate level.

Of course, many universities do offer undergraduate point-set topology courses; is this book suitable for one of those? While this text is certainly being used at undergraduate institutions across the country, I would have some trepidation about using it for our undergraduate course at Iowa State. This is a text that (in Part I as well as in Part II) both requires and rewards serious reading by a well-motivated student. Explanations are clear, but concise, and there is not a lot of hand-holding. I have already pointed out, for example, that the definition of “topological space” comes without much in the way of prior motivation; this is typical of the no-nonsense, direct approach to the subject that characterizes the text. The writing is elegant and the student is provided everything he or she needs to learn the material well — there are lots of pictures, and many exercises (some relatively easy, but quite a few somewhat challenging) — but the student is expected to put in some hard work reading the book. The very best students in the class could probably get a lot out of reading it, but the more average students might find it daunting and discouraging.

I would say, by way of rough analogy, that this book is to undergraduate topology what Rudin’s Principles of Mathematical Analysis (aka “Baby Rudin”) is to undergraduate analysis: I used Rudin as a college student, loved it, and learned a tremendous amount from it, but if I used it as a text for the undergraduate analysis course here at Iowa State, the results would not be pretty.

Having said this, I hasten to point out that I would not want to see a new, dumbed-down, edition published of either Rudin or Munkres. The originals have a kind of elegance and nostalgic charm to them, a reminder of what college mathematics courses were once like. Even if its use as a text might be problematic, this book is still the one I look at first when I have a question about point-set topology. I see that the Basic Library List Committee has given this book three stars, meaning that the Committee views it as essential for undergraduate libraries; I couldn’t agree more.





话虽如此,但我并不想看到James Munkres针对本科生的教学实用性而去推出一些删减过后的简易版本,那样就失去了原作的精髓。原始作品给人一种优雅和怀旧的魅力,使人想起大学数学课程曾经是什么样子,具有作为学术经典的价值。总而言之,将本书其用作教科书可能会有问题,但当我对拓扑有相关疑问时,这本书仍然是我的首选。我看到图书馆清单委员会给这本书打了三颗星,这意味着委员会认为本书对本科生至关重要,这点我完全同意。


点评人:Mark Hunacek(爱荷华州立大学数学系讲师)




 Introduction to Metric and Topological Spaces

作者:Wilson A. Sutherland

出版商:Oxford University Press





作者简介:Wilson A. Sutherland1935-2019,英国数学家,多年来一直任教于牛津大学,同时担任耶鲁大学和阿伯丁大学的客座教授。其主要研究领域为拓扑空间,留有多本数学专著和重要论文)



This is a brief, clearly-written introduction to point-set topology. The approach is axiomatic and abstract — the development is motivated by a desire to generalize properties of the real numbers rather than a need to solve problems from other areas of mathematics. In particular there is very little mention of function spaces, although some of the examples deal with the existence of solutions to integral and differential equations as an application of Banach’s fixed-point theorem.

The book assumes some familiarity with the topological properties of the real line, in particular convergence and completeness. The level of abstraction moves up and down through the book, where we start with some real-number property and think of how to generalize it to metric spaces and sometimes further to general topological spaces. Most of the book deals with metric spaces.

The book has modest goals. It introduces the most important concepts of topology but does not take any of them very far. The exercises at the end of each chapter are partly routine applications of the chapter contents and partly extensions into more difficult areas not covered in the chapter. There is a companion web site that has solutions to all the exercises, as well as a great deal of supplemental material that did not fit into the main narrative. Because the book starts out with the real line, it is slanted somewhat towards analysis. Its aim is topology and it is not as nearly as thorough as analysis-oriented books such as Wilansky’s Topology for Analysis or Kelley’s General Topology. It also has an interesting chapter on quotient spaces, focused on Moebius strips and tori with various numbers of holes.





本书并不以教会读者点集拓扑学的每一细节为目标。它只是介绍了拓扑学中最重要的概念,但不会深入某一内容。章末习题中,部分对应本章正文,而部分则涉及正文未涵盖的知识。本书有配套的在线网页,提供了所有习题的答案与一些对正文内容的补充材料。因为这本书从实数开始,所以更像是分析学。本书的目标依然是介绍拓扑学,但并没有像Wilansky的Topology for Analysis或Kelley的General Topology等书籍完全从分析学的角度来阐述。它还有十分有趣的一章,是关于商空间的,关注Moebius带和具有不同数量洞的环面。

点评人:Allen Stenger(退休工程师,数学爱好者,美国数学学会会员)





 Classical Topology and Combinatorial Group Theory










It is very refreshing to see a mathematician lay down his personal philosophyabout his subject and its teaching. In the preface to this book the author gives hisviews with some force. In my opinion, a well-balanced introduction to topologyshould stress its intuitive geometric aspect ... and goes on to stress the historicalapproach in the book. This is not to claim that topology received its main impetusfrom geometric recreations like the seven bridges of Konigsberg; rather, it resultedfrom the visualization of problems from other parts of mathematics—complexanalysis (Riemann), mechanics (Poincare) and group theory (Dehn). It is theseconnections to other parts of mathematics which make topology an important aswell as a beautiful subject. Anyone contemplating giving a course on topologyshould certainly read this preface.

The author now commits his only real sin—he has a Chapter 0 on 'Introductionand foundations'. He makes the usual statement that readers are meant not to takeit too seriously, only to refer back to it if necessary. However, I am afraid that it willonly put students off—not that the subject matter is bad, it has many excellentfeatures—but it is fifty pages of rather tough material. It contains some standardmaterial on continuity, homeomorphisms and simplicial complexes, all wellexplained and motivated. It also has an account of the polygonal Jordan curvetheorem, an item sadly missing from most of the textbooks. This is followed bysections on algorithms and combinatorial group theory; the four pages onalgorithms are particularly welcomed—here is the first brief, clear account that thereviewer has come across.

The book now gets properly started. Chapter 1 is entitled 'Complex analysis andsurface topology'. This contains a well-motivated and clear account of theclassification of compact surfaces. There are plenty of beautiful and carefully drawnpictures and diagrams here and throughout the rest of the book. There are alsoplenty of interesting historical notes and comments. The author sometimes pointsout various technical points that he decided not to treat fully but he does motivatethem and he indicates the main points of the proof; an example in this chapter is thetopological invariance of the Euler characteristic.

Group theory makes an appearance in Chapter 2 on 'Graphs and free groups'. Itincludes the basic material on free groups as far as Schreier transversals.Elementary homotopy theory is the topic of the next chapter and it laysfoundations for the detailed study of the fundamental group in Chapter 4. Morestress is laid on the computational aspects than is often the case; the Wirtingerpresentation, the Fox-Artin wild arc, torus knots, lens spaces and the Kuroshsubgroup theorem are amongst the topics covered. Chapter 5 introduces homologyand relates it to the material that has been developed so far.

The next chapter starts with a study of closed curves on surfaces. Dehn'salgorithm for the solution of the word problem for the fundamental group of asurface is explained. The algorithm for deciding whether a closed curve on a surfaceis homotopic to a simple curve and Baer's theorem that homotopic simple curves areisotopic are both proved. The author sensibly restricts to the polygonal case. Thechapter ends with an account of the homeomorphism groups of surfaces and ofmapping class groups. The material of this chapter is not commonly found instandard texts and is particularly welcomed.The text concludes with two chapters on 'Knots and braids' and 'Threedimensional manifolds'. They treat a variety of topics in the style already firmlyestablished in the previous chapters.

This book is an excellent one. It is both scholarly and clear; it is a book fromwhich a student can first learn the basic material and yet there is enough depth andso many interesting titbits that he will want to come back to it time and time again.

When reading the book one gets the impression that the subject is exciting, that ithas been constantly developing and evolving since the beginning—the author evenincludes the occasional paragraph on how some results were not correctly provedinitially and how the mistakes were discovered and patched up. The author has gotout of the 'theorem, lemma, proof strait-jacket with excellent effect. In some waysthe book reminds me of the classic Geometry and the imagination of Hilbert andCohn-Vossen but it is more specialised and more of a textbook.

I can only hope that there will be many more books written on mathematics ofall kinds in the style laid down by John Stillwell.









读者会被这一领域深深地吸引。拓扑学从一开始就不断发展和演变,作者甚至偶尔会写一段内容,阐述一些结论最初是如何没有得到正确证明的,以及错误是如何被发现和修补的。作者从“定理、引理、证明”三段式阐述中得到了很好的效果。在某种程度上,这本书让我想起了Hilbert和Cohn Vossen的Geometry and the imagination,但它更加深入,而且更像一本教材。

最后我希望会有更多的John Stillwell风格的数学教材出现。

点评人:Elmer Rees1941-2019,海尔布隆数学研究所的创始主任(2005-2009),此后他在布里斯托大学担任名誉客座教授。)


