“新时代国外优秀本科数学教材评价研究”课题 (第5.2章)



1 研究背景和研究意义

2 研究内容

3 研究思路和研究方法

4 数据搜集和清洗整理

5 60 本教材点评

5.1 微积分 4  

5.2 线性代数 4

5.3 概率论 6

5.4 常微分方程 6

5.5 实分析 4

5.6 复变函数和复分析 2

5.7 抽象代数 7

5.8 微分几何和黎曼几何 5

5.9 偏微分方程 6

5.10 拓扑学 5

5.11 数论 5

5.12 泛函分析 6

6 附录

6.1 国外数学本科教育 TOP10 大学分析报告

6.2 102 本经典教材国内收藏和保障情况分析报告


5.2 线性代数 4 本


Introduction to linear algebra

作者:Gilbert Strang






作者简介:Gilbert Strang生于19341127日),美国数学家,对有限元理论,变分微积分,小波分析和线性代数做出重要贡献,他出版了七本数学教科书和一部专论。Strang是麻省理工学院MathWorks的数学教授,负责教授线性代数和计算科学与工程概论。1976年获Chauvenet美国数学协会1999年成为牛津大学巴利奥尔学院名誉院士;2005年获莱斯特·R·福特奖、冯·诺依曼奖章;2007年获苏布钦奖、亨里奇奖;2020年获欧文·塞泽尔奖。



This is an erudite and discursive introduction to linear algebra, weighted heavily toward matrices and systems of linear equations. The author has an expansive view of linear algebra, and from time to time draws in some calculus, Fourier series, wavelets, and function spaces, but the approach is always very concrete. The book doesn't skimp on the techniques of linear algebra, and there are seemingly endless examples of LU-decomposition and other numeric work, as well as a fairly extensive Chapter 9 on numerical methods. But the book also does a good job of moving up and down between various levels of abstraction, according to which level makes the problem at hand easier to comprehend, and geometrical examples and rotations play an important role in the exposition.

This book is the text for Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Linear Algebra course 18.06, whose goals are “using matrices and also understanding them.” There’s enough material in the book for a year-long course, and the MIT course covers primarily the first seven chapters. There is a great deal of free supplemental material available on the MIT web site for the course, including videos of Strang’s lectures in the course, interactive computer demonstrations, and past exams and problem sets. The present book is complete in itself, but many students will appreciate the additional resources.

Each section of the book is structured as several pages of narrative, usually including motivational examples, followed by a several-point summary, followed by more worked examples and a problem set that focuses on drill but also includes open-ended questions suggested by the examples, and closing with a collection of “challenge problems” that really are challenging. Proofs of nearly all results are included, although the book does not use a “theorem–proof” format and doesn’t make a big deal of proving things. One potential drawback of the book’s discursive nature is that it may be hard to use for reference and review: a topic may be revisited several times to look at different aspects, so the material on a particular topic may not be wrapped up in a tidy package.

Chapter 6, on eigenvalues and eigenvectors, is especially strong and is the centerpiece of the book. It not only teaches you to think about what eigenvectors really mean geometrically and in applications, but pulls together the earlier material on spaces and linear transformations, showing why it is important sometimes to think at a higher level of abstraction.

Very Good Feature: The author frequently points out which of the concepts are the most important ones, so you don’t have to wonder whether (for example) unitary matrices are something you really care about. Some sample quotes: “The Singular Value Decomposition is a highlight of linear algebra.” (p. 363) “It is no exaggeration to say that these [symmetric matrices] are the most important matrices the world will ever see.” (p. 330)

Compared to Strang’s other linear algebra book, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, both books cover roughly the same material, but the present book is aimed lower, with more drill exercises and more handholding in the form of more-detailed explanations and more worked examples. The Applications book has more applications, as you would expect, and they are integrated into the narrative where they naturally arise rather than being collected in a separate chapter as in the present book.

Bottom line: an intriguing and challenging text that does a good job of pulling together the disparate pieces of linear algebra, but that may overemphasize matrices at the expense of spaces and linear transformations.







点评人:Allen StengerMAA西南分部网站管理员和新闻通讯编辑,《密苏里数学科学杂志》编辑)


资料整理和翻译:方诗雨  冯远航


Linear Algebra Done Right

作者:Sheldon Axler






作者简介: Sheldon Jay Axler,生于1949116日,是一名美国数学家和数学教育家,主要研究方向为泛函分析复变函数论之间的联系。现任旧金山州立大学科学与工程学院主任,著有知名教材《线性代数应该这样学》(Linear Algebra Done Right)1971年,他以最高殊荣获普林斯顿大学数学学士学位。1975年,他在当纳德·萨拉森(Donald Sarason)指导下获得了加州大学柏克莱分校数学博士学位,博士后工作是在麻省理工学院担任门罗导师。他在密歇根州立大学执教多年,并评上了终身教授。1991年,密歇根州立大学授予他杰出教员奖”(Distinguished Faculty Award)1997年,阿克斯勒前往旧金山州立大学工作,并于2002年担任该校数学系主任(Chair of the Mathematics Department)。他也是《美国数学月刊》的助理编辑和《数学通讯者》的主编。2012年,他入选美国数学学会会员。1996年,美国数学协会为表彰他写的作品《Down with Determinants!》授予他莱斯特·佛特奖金



This third edition, appearing eighteen years after the second edition, is a further polishing of the existing approach. This book was and still is an interesting and useful text for a second course in linear algebra, concentrating on proofs after the concepts and mechanics have been covered in a first course.

One immediately-noticeable difference is that the book is formatted in what I call Modern Textbook Style, which means it is printed in full color and has lots of sidebars and incidental graphics. I have mixed feelings about Modern Textbook Style; it may be necessary to sell textbooks in the present environment, but (usually) it runs up the price of the book and may be distracting. Happily neither of these bad effects seem to have happened with the present edition, and the layout is pleasant and attractive.

In addition to the hundreds of little improvements and added exercises, the main substantive improvements are the addition of material on duality (functionals were covered in the previous edition, but not dual spaces), treatment of product and quotient spaces, and a new approach to deriving results for real spaces from those for complex spaces. The new approach is called here “complexification” and just means embedding the real space in a complex space (a product of the real space with itself, along with a definition of complex scalar multiplication). The author makes the observation several times that complex spaces are easier to deal with than real spaces, and the earlier edition concentrated on transformations on complex spaces and treated real spaces in the last chapter. The new edition does the same, but the complexification simplifies the real-case proofs a good bit because they can be done a corollaries of the complex case results.

Determinants still have the very small role they did in the earlier edition, and I still think this works well. Determinants are avoided by using alternative definitions that would be theorems in a determinant approach. For example, the characteristic polynomial of a linear transformation is defined in terms of its eigenvalues (the existence of which has already been studied, without determinants) rather than as a determinant.

Every discipline of higher mathematics evinces the profound importance of linear algebra in some way, either for the power derived from its techniques or the inspiration offered by its concepts. Axler demotes determinants (usually quite a central technique in the finite dimensional setting, though marginal in infinite dimensions) to a minor role. To so consistently do without determinants constitutes a tour de forces in the service of simplicity and clarity; these are also well served by the general precision of Axler’s prose. Students with a view towards applied mathematics, analysis, or operator theory will be well served. The most original linear algebra book to appear in years, it certainly belongs in every undergraduate library. Altogether, the text is a didactic masterpiece. I congratulate the author and the publisher for a well-produced textbook on linear algebra.


其中一个立即值得注意的区别是,本书采用 “现代教科书风格”的风格进行格式化,这意味着该书以全彩色打印,并具有许多侧边栏和附带的图形。不过我对这类所谓“现代教科书风格”有不同的看法,在目前的环境中,可能确实存在这一类教科书的市场,但通常这类教科书的价格会很高,并且可能使读者分心。令人高兴的是,这些不利影响似乎在本版中均未发生,并且布局令人愉悦且有吸引力。





点评人:Allen Stenger(《密苏里数学科学杂志》编辑,专注于数论和经典分析领域)

资料整理和翻译:方诗雨 冯远航


Linear Algebra

作者:Richard Kaye & Robert Wilson






作者简介:Richard Kaye数学高级讲师,专门研究数理逻辑。他的主要兴趣是非标准算术模型及其他领域。他是《皮亚诺算术模型》(OUP 1991)和《逻辑数学》(CUP 2007)的作者。于2016年底在伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院数学科学学院担任数学教授,2016年底开始提前退休。

Robert Wilson(生于1958年)是一位于2016年从伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院退休的教授,他于19836月任剑桥大学耶稣学院研究员,19867月任剑桥格尔顿学院官方研究员兼大学讲师,1987年至2004年任伯明翰大学讲师、高级讲师、教授,2004年至2016年任伦敦玛丽皇后大学代数与组合论教授。



Kaye offers this work as a second course in linear algebra. As such, it deals with the specific subject matter of linear algebra in a way that could also be viewed as an introduction to abstract algebra or axiomatic mathematics in general. Knowledge of elementary matrix arithmetic and matrix methods—including the general solution to systems of linear equations and computation of inverses and determinants—is assumed, though these topics are briefly reviewed. Some exposure to abstract vector spaces and the notions of basis and dimension would also be helpful to one wishing to peruse this book. For those with a suitable background, this book provides a very rigorous treatment of the fundamentals of linear algebra, including inner product spaces, bilinear and quadratic forms, orthogonal bases, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and the Jordan canonical form. Certainly appropriate for upper-division undergraduates entertaining thoughts of graduate work in mathematics.

In addition, this book includes a brief introduction of fields, which may well be new material to a student who has enough knowledge. Many examples and applications of vector spaces that a typical undergraduate will see will involve fields other than IR or C, and the field ax­ioms provide an important illustration of the axiomatic approach.And the author do not allow themselves to dwell on the subject, though, giving for example just a few examples of finite fields rather than a complete classification. In any case the main emphasis of thi book is on spaces over IR or C, and this section is optional.

Part II goes on to discuss inner product spaces in general, and also bilinear forms and quadratic forms on real vector spaces, culminating in their full de­scription via the diagonal form given by the Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization (for inner products) and by 'Sylvester's law of inertia' in the more general case of symmetric bilinear forms. In the case of spaces over the complex numbers, conjugate symmetric forms are also considered and the corresponding laws are derived by the same methods.

Part III contains a full discussion of linear transformations from a finite di­mensional vector space V to itself, their eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and diagonal­ization. The algorithms performing these computations are emphasized through­ out. Determinants are used as an aid to computations (the characteristic poly­nomial) but are not required for a full understanding of the theory. The book ends with two chapters that emphasize applications of the material presented in the whole book: one on self-adjoint transformations on inner product spaces and the final chapter on Jordan normal form.

In Part III, their vector spaces are over an arbitrary field F with the only condition on F being that the minimum polynomial of the linear transformation f in question splits over F.

However, there is too much material for a single course here, and it is up to the lecturer to decide on the course content and emphasis. For example, with the material in Part I, it would certainly be possible to cover all of the topics here as 'algorithms' or 'methods' in a single course, leaving the brighter students to follow up the sections explaining why some of the more difficult ideas (such as Sylvester's law of inertia, or the Jordan normal form) really do work. But some sections like 2.6,4.4 can be omitted Chapters 13 and 14 are independent of each other, so one or both of these could be omitted.






 资料整理和翻译:方诗雨  冯远航


Basic linear algebra

作者:T. S. Blyth; Edmund F. Robertson






作者简介:T. S. Blyth圣安德鲁斯大学应用数学系名誉教授,主要从事涉及阶数概念的代数结构研究。主要兴趣分为三个领域:剩余映射、代数和有序半群以及Ockham代数。其他研究出版物包括主要数学期刊上的120余篇论文。于1974年成为爱丁堡皇家学会会员,2000年成为数学及其应用研究所研究员,里奇皇家社会科学学会会员。



Blyth and Robertson's Basic Linear Algebra sets as its goal to provide in a reasonably concise and readable form a rigorous first course that covers all of the material on linear algebra to which every student of mathematics should be exposed at an early stage. This book covers the foundational topics of matrices, systems of linear equations, vector spaces, linear mappings, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and the minimal polynomial. It also includes a brief introduction to the Linear Algebra package of MAPLE 7. More advanced topics, such as Fourier expansion, canonical forms, and the structure of normal matrices over the real and complex field, are reserved for the sequel, Further Linear Algebra, by the same authors. Readers of Basic Linear Algebra are expected to be familiar with calculus and to have a solid experience reading and writing proofs.

The authors perform what they set out to do with this book. Basic Linear Algebra is elegantly concise. It is written in a clean example-theorem-proof style, where the story is told by judicious choice and ordering of the examples and concepts, from the concrete and familiar to the general and abstract. For instance, Chapter 6 dedicated to linear maps, starts off with some concrete examples that are used to develop the notions of Image and Kernel spaces and to prove the Dimension Theorem. These concepts then are used to show that any two finite dimensional vector spaces of the same dimension are isomorphic and even to exhibit an example of a linear map on an infinite dimensional vector space (one built from real sequences that are zero in all but finitely many spaces) that is surjective but not injective.

The exercises in the book form a rich resource for linear algebra instruction for undergraduate students. There are exercises that are interspersed throughout the text and serve to ensure students' understanding, and there are more exercises at the end of each chapter. In turn, the end of the chapter set consists of standard exercises, supplementary exercises and assignment exercises. All the exercises are wonderfully selected in terms of topics and mathematical exposure to important ideas from different fields of mathematics. For example, one could learn about nilpotent matrices and then get a glimpse at the exponential and logarithmic mappings for these matrices. In another exercise, the reader finds out what an exact sequence is and proves the vanishing of the alternating sums of the dimensions of the vector spaces in such a sequence.

This book is clearly geared towards students of mathematics (rather, perhaps, than to users of linear algebra from other disciplines). The manner of exposition is terse yet very clear and elegant, and it is apparent the authors are algebraists. Concepts tend to be introduced axiomatically; the authors usually begin by asserting a theorem that there exists some (perhaps unique) object satisfying certain axioms, and then constructing such an object as part of the proof. This style is very precise and rigorous, but may challenge some readers who are not yet accustomed to this mode of discourse. For instance, Theorem 1.2 on page 4 asserts that There is a unique m x n matrix M such that, for every m x n matrix A, A + M = A. Then, in the proof, they construct an m x n matrix whose entries are all 0, and then they prove that it is the unique matrix with this property. After that, they define the resulting matrix to be the m x n zero matrix. As another (quite inspiring) example, Chapter 8, which is dedicated to determinants, starts off with an axiomatic definition of a determinantal mapping as a multilinear, alternating, and 1-preserving mapping. Then the authors inductively construct a determinantal mapping on n x n matrices from a determinantal mapping on (n-1) x (n-1) matrices (disposing of the 2 x 2 case separately) and then establish uniqueness by setting up basic concepts from the theory of permutation groups.

In the end, I suspect that this book's somewhat abstract and spare expository style may stretch the mathematical sophistication level of many American undergraduates who are taking a first course in linear algebra, but I would relish the opportunity to offer an honors course in linear algebra from it or to suggest this book for supplementary readings and projects for motivated students. I believe Basic Linear Algebra is a valuable reference for an inspirationally elegant and streamlined algebraic development of the foundational ideas of the subject.

Blyth和Robertson合著了这本基本线性代数教材,目标是以合理简洁且易于理解的形式来完成线性代数的基础教学,因此它基本涵盖了线性代数有关的所有基础内容,适合初入门的同学们学习。本书包含矩阵、线性方程组、向量空间、线性映射、行列式、特征值和特征向量、最小多项式等基础主题,以及MAPLE 7软件包简要介绍。除此之外,也有一些较为艰深的主题,例如傅立叶展开式、规范形式、复数域上正交矩阵的结构等,和作者的后续作品《进阶线性代数》形成了很好的连贯性。


显然,这本书的作者是一名代数学家。概念倾向于公理性的引入:作者通常首先断言一个定理,即存在满足某些公理的某些(也许是唯一的)对象,然后构造这样的对象作为证明的一部分。这种风格非常精确和严格,但是可能会给尚未习惯这种话语方式的读者带来一些挑战。例如第8章专门讨论行列式,从行列式定义和行列式映射开始,然后作者从对(n-1)*(n-1)个矩阵的行列式映射(分别处理2 * 2个情况)归纳地构造对n*n个矩阵的行列式映射,然后通过从理论上建立基本概念来展示唯一性排列组。



点评人:Maria G. Fung(西俄勒冈大学数学助理教授)


资料整理和翻译:方诗雨  冯远航