  发布时间:2023-05-30   浏览次数:114










*电子邮箱:P_Hsieh@fudan.edu.cn  (谢守斌)




国画和纺织品上橘红色至紫红色的霉斑即使用了对有机材料有腐蚀性的氧化方法也很难淡化。交替反复滴涂硼氢化钠与稀酸的新颖除斑方法经过试验后已被实际应用,成功地移除了一幅绢本设色国画上密布的红霉。本文并从除斑效果与丝织品安全性两方面对此新式除斑法与传统高锰酸钾草酸的氧化法进行比较。交替反复滴涂1% 硼氢化钠乙醇溶液和稀醋酸或交替反复滴涂0.5% 硼氢化钠乙醇溶液和稀硫酸均能有效移除一幅绢本设色的传统国画上以及丝织品样品上的红霉。相较于传统的高锰酸钾草酸氧化除斑法,新除斑方法所引起的丝织品样本的抗张强度损失很轻微。






A new technique for the removal of red fungal stains on traditional Chinese painting on silk


Paul Hsieh*,   Qiang Xu,  Hui Yu


Institute for Preservation and Conservation of Chinese Ancient Books, Fudan University. Handan Road 220, 200433 Shanghai, China.

Institute for Innovation and Protection of Cultural Relics, Fudan University. Handan Road 220, 200433 Shanghai, China.

*Corresponding author.

E-mail address: P_Hsieh@fudan.edu.cn



The orange-red to reddish purple fungal stains on paintings and textiles are recalcitrant to be alleviated even by using oxidative methods that are corrosive to most organic materials. A novel approach of alternate applications of sodium borohydride solution with dilute acids were tested and successfully practiced on the removal of the red fungal stains on a severely disfigured traditional Chinese painting on silk. The new approach was compared with the conventional oxidative method of potassium permanganate—oxalic acid solution in terms of their effectiveness and the safety of the silk fabrics. 1% and 0.5% of sodium borohydride ethanol solution alternated respectively with dilute acetic acid and sulfuric acid were effective for the removal of the reddish fungal stains on an authentic traditional Chinese painting on silk as well as the silk fabric samples. The loss of tensile strength of the silk fabric samples induced by the new approach was much milder than did the conventional oxidative method of potassium permanganate—oxalic acid.


Keywords: Hydroboration; Sodium borohydride; Fungal pigments; Stain removal; Talaromyces; Silk fabric









谢守斌,复旦大学中华古籍保护研究院青年副研究员,硕士生导师,图书修复师。意大利罗马大学生物学博士,佛罗伦萨艺术与修复学院博士后。求学时期曾于意大利国家图书馆与中国大型图书馆、博物馆实习文物修复。研究领域涵盖古籍字画生物学保护、传统制浆造纸、纸质文物修复科学等议题。研究成果主要发表于国际期刊与国际学术研讨会、中国国家发明专利等。在研科研项目为上海市一带一路国际科学合作项目,以及开化纸制作工艺之改良。开授双面字迹图书档案之装帧与修复全学年课程,合开古籍保护概论。曾远赴埃及开罗 Ain Shams University 主持西文古籍修复工作坊两个月,修复完成西文精装善本古籍,并建立双方长期合作。主持修复民国时期珍贵手稿与音乐文献,以及图书馆虫害鉴定与防治工作。